Eyelash Extension FAQs


What are eyelash extensions?

Beyond mascara! Adds length, thickness and fullness to natural eyelashes. Eyelash extension are applied individually to each eyelash to make your mornings a lot easier, and definetly a confident booster. 

What are volume lashes? 

Multiple lashes adhered to one lash. Clients have the option of 2-6 lashes (fans) that are applied on every natural lash. Volumes are much more lightweight using 0.07 and 0.05 in diameter, to achieve a more dramatic, fuller and fluffier look. 

How long do Eyelash Extensions Last? 

3-4 weeks depending on how well the client takes care of their lashes. Clients that often wear make up will typically need to book refills frequently. 

How long does it take to apply classic lashes? 

1 hour, Volume 2 hours. 

Can Lashes bring out my allergies? 

Allergies can be brought out if a client is allergic to polyester (synthetic extensions) or to cyanoacrylate (ingredient which is included in the adhesive). 

What's the process like?

The procedure is painless and relaxing! The bottom lashes will be taped down using an eye pad to separate the top lashes, most clients fall asleep during the lash application. After the process a nano mister will be used to dry the lashes. 

Will it damage my natural lash? 

Agreement to follow the after care instructions, the eyelash extension will not damage your natural lashes. With proper application, the extensions should feel comfortable, light and flexible. 

What's the difference between classic Carla, mix up Malika, and Arrogant Arianna?


Classic Carla (classic lashes)

  • Individual extensions, one lash on a natural lash

  • Diameter 0.18 or 0.20

  • Lengths 8-16mm

Mix up Malika

  • Individual + volume lashes together in one set

Arrogant Arianna (volume lashes)

  • Choice of 2-6 lashes on each lash

  • Diameter of 0.05 or 0.07 Lengths 8-15mm

What are the after care instructions for eyelash extensions? 

1. Don't get your lashes wet for the first 24hrs
2. No mascara or eyelash curler on the extensions
3. Oil free make up remover only
4. Avoid pulling or rubbing your eyes
5. Try to sleep on your back
6. Please see your eyelash technician to have them removed
7. To maintain your extensions, book your refill appointment within 3-4 weeks